Electronic official board

Electronic official board is a contemporary communication tool between the city of Hradec Králové and its citizens.

Four new electronic official boards are located under the archway of the Hradec Králové Town Hall and in the buildings of the Transport and Trade Licensing Offices. In past, all the forms, decrees, circulars and other documents required by the legislation needed to be printed and pinned onto the official board. In addition, the officials had to monitor times during which these documents needed to be displayed.

In that way, the officials used to print approximately 34 thousand pages of paper. After publication, most of them ended in archives or shredded in containers for sorted wastes. This was completely changed when electronic official boards were introduced.

“An electronic official board is an exciting inspiration also for other Czech municipal offices looking for ways of cost reduction, efficiency enhancements and, most importantly, improvements of their services to citizens,” comments Denisa Netolická.

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